Something went wrong

Sorry about this...

You've managed to do something that we definitely should have expected, for the simple reason that you've managed to do it. That's quite embarrassing.

Still, there's no glossing over the fact that you've broken our website. Not your fault - at least not your fault if you're not a hacker, in which case, why don't you find something positive to do instead of causing misery and financial loss. For example, try achieving puberty. You never know, you might like it.

Anyway, forgive that outburst. We're sure you're not a hacker, and now we need to fix something. It's all our developers' fault. Clearly we made a wrong choice there. They deserve to suffer.

We've logged the problem, and proper punishment will be meted out.

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Ethical Payments Foundation

15 Westferry Circus
Canary Wharf
London E14 4HD